Check out my feature in the December 2013 issue of The Crafts Report magazine in the article “Alphabet Soup: The top 26 reasons why 2013 is a year to remember – from Acquisitions to Zibbet”. What a year it was! I was recognized for the letter “F” which represents the “Facebook Cover Competition”.
“For fabric artist Pamela Mattei, art can look more like science. Her workroom is filled with measuring cups, labeled color bottles and a scratch book in which she’s written down the thousand of colors she’s created in the past.”
Intrigued by my “Backstage Life”?
“It’s five minutes until the curtain rises for 42nd Street and Pam Mattei hasn’t taken a seat yet. She’s stuck in traffic: backstage traffic that is. The junior fine arts major is busy helping fix last-minute costume and prop problems before the cast makes its way on stage.”
As a senior in high school, winning blue ribbons for my art work was second nature to me.
The quilt on the left was the catalyst for me wanting to become a fabric artist when I grew up.