31 Days of Thanks: Day 5

Posted on Oct 5, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on 31 Days of Thanks: Day 5

I was very involved on the wardrobe crew for my high school’s theater department. My friend Becca, first convinced me to go to the Drama Club meetings after school and knowing my love of fabric, later convinced me to help Kathy, the costume supervisor on the annual musical and play. While at Presentation I was able to shadow a second “woman in a career field that interested me”. This time I was able to follow around a dresser with the local Theatrical Wardrobe Union on a Broadway Series touring production of BIG. Thanks again go to Ms. Hall, coordinator of the leadership program, who reached out to Amy with the Broadway Series. Amy connected me with Ginger who I was able to follow around backstage for the entire performance. At the time, becoming a dresser did not quite seem like the right fit for me, but all that changed with a phone call. A few months later, Ginger became the Business Agent for the local Wardrobe Union. I still remember walking back to my dorm room my freshman year of college and having a message on the answering machine from Ginger. She asked me if I would be interested and available to dress and work as a seamstress for the upcoming four week run of The Phantom of the Opera. No need to think about it, I was immediately on board. Since then I have worked dozens of Broadway shows, Operas, Ballets and Concerts. I have earned two union cards for wardrobe (a challenging feat with no family or friends working in the industry). It is fun to be able to incorporate my fibers background into the theatrical wardrobe world. In addition to being a seamstress for Phantom and several other productions, I have had the opportunity to paint costumes for The Lion King (one of my Top 5 favorite shows!). I cannot thank Becca, Kathy, Charlie (my high school theater Director), Amy and Ginger enough for building the foundation of what has become my love of...

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