31 Days of Thanks: Day 6
I chose my college based on whether or not it had a fiber art program. During a local portfolio review day, Marsha, the Dean of the Art Department at Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), was the only college representative to tell me I could potentially take a fibers class all eight semesters. Most colleges required you to take the basic foundation classes your freshman and sophomore year and would not allow you to start focusing on your concentration until junior year. Marsha’s offer was music to my ears. I held her to her word and that is exactly what I did. Throughout the eight semesters I took a fibers class, I learned all sorts of dyeing, weaving and surface design techniques under the guidance of Kitty, the fibers professor. I majored in Art with a concentration in Fibers and earned a Business minor. Thanks Marsha and...
Read MoreTwo States Closer
One of my goals is to have my artwork available in all 50 states. I am very excited to announce that in the past week I have received two new gallery orders, both of which are in new states. That means I am two states closer to having my artwork in all 50 states. 35 down. 15 to go. Super excited!
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