While I continue to celebrate DyeSigns By Pamela, Inc. Month, I share today with something else very special… someTHING and someONE. Today is my father’s birthday.
Before The Crafts Report cover contest started, dad did not really know anything about Facebook (and is not really all that computer savvy to begin with). While I was out of town during the first round of the competition I looked to see who had voted for me a few hours after the polls opened. I was in shock. There was my dad’s name. He somehow managed to figure out how to open a Facebook account and get to the right page in order to vote for me (nothing short of a miracle in and of itself!). When I talked to him to see how in the world he managed such a technological marvel, he proudly proclaimed, “I will have you know I was number 58!”
A few weeks later I tried to do something that I thought would be pretty awesome. When I told my dad about it he said I was nuts. Although, coming from him that is typically a sign that I am about to make something amazing happen.
What was I up to? I tried to get the Mayor of Louisville to declare July 5th, my birthday and the day The Crafts Report Cover Contest winner was announced, to be DyeSigns By Pamela, Inc. Day.
That would have been awesome, right? At the time, I thought so too. I am happy to report that that did not happen. Yes, that’s right, I am happy it did NOT happen.
My dad was right. I was nuts. I was nuts for not dreaming bigger and better.
So instead, I am thrilled to be celebrating Mayor Greg Fischer proclaiming the entire MONTH of October 2013 (all 31 days of it!) to be DyeSigns By Pamela, Inc. Month in the city of Louisville, Kentucky.
That is how you dream, folks… bigger and better! I have the proclamation to prove it!
Tonight I am excited to be celebrating having a Magazine Release Party Extravaganza and Celebration of DyeSigns By Pamela, Inc. Month. In lieu of a birthday cake I will be serving dad nuts on a silver platter. Appropriate, right?
Two peas in a pod? No. Two peanuts in a shell! Thanks dad! Happy Birthday!